About us

The Brighton Fitness Festival is run by TPG Sports Events in partnership with FMG Project.

Why create the Brighton Fitness Festival?

The idea for the festival first came about when Sam, Manager of the FMG Project, approached Toby, Director of TPG Sports Events, to see if he could come up with a unique and exciting way of raising money for the charity.

After a few conversations and hashing out of ideas, it was clear that a celebration of fitness on the South Coast had the potential to be a huge success!

Not only do we want to raise money and awareness for the FMG Project charity, but, more than this, we wanted to bring together Brighton’s incredible fitness community in a way that had not yet been done.

We now feel that the Brighton Fitness Festival has the potential to grow bigger year on year and raises a substantial amount of money for charity, whilst building a stronger fitness and wellbeing community in Brighton and beyond!

We hope that you will join us on this journey and get involved in the start of something special!


main stage

20+ exhibitors

Free workouts

Expert Speakers

Healthy food

The Vault Games

Our Team

Toby Graves

Event Manager

Toby is the Director of TPG Sports Events and specialises in creating extraordinary sporting experiences in beautiful locations, whilst connecting charities with corporate partners.

With years of experience in the sports industry, he provides the opportunity for people to participate in exciting events that help raise much-needed funds for charities and build purpose-driven commercial partnerships.

Sam Crocker-Green

FMG Manager

Sam is a former international athlete and has coached people of all ages and abilities throughout his career. He has a passion for coaching and supporting young people, which he uses every day in his role as FMG Project Manager.

Sam brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in event management and charity work, as well as working in the health and wellbeing industry for most of his career.

Frequently asked questions

When is the event taking place?

The event will be taking place on Saturday 13th July 2024.
What will the Festival look like?

The festival will be a celebration of all things fitness! We will have a large stage at one end with different speakers, coaches and yogis leading a variety of talks, Q&As and workouts throughout the day. Around this, there will be different health and fitness-related exhibitors and vendors surrounding each of the lawns for attenders to browse, purchase products and pick up freebies.

At the other end of the lawns, we will have a competition floor for the Vault Games. There will also be opportunities to take part in other fitness-related competitions and try out some new ways of moving your body!

How much will tickets cost?

The festival will be free to all attenders!

Where will the Event take place?

The festival will take place at the Hove-end of Hove Lawns.

Will there be something for me if i am new to fitness?

Absolutely! We will ensure that there is something available for everyone, no matter what your ability or fitness level is.

Is this a family-friendly event?

Yes, there will be things to do for children and young people, as well as adults!

Ready To GO?

Reserve your ticket now!

We will be releasing more information over the coming months, so stay tuned!

Reserve your ticket here